Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 3, 2007

I was awakened early this morning to the sound of clapping thunder and the crack of lightening strikes all around. It was extremely windy blowing our trees in the backyard around like rag dolls! Needless to say, I tried and tried to go back to sleep but it was to no avail. Between the thunder, wind and train (yes, I meant "train" and not rain), there was no rest for my tired body. I got up to check on things (being as I'm "in charge" since Mike's gone!) and heard the hail start in. It was so loud and pounding that it sounded like it was coming through the roof! At that point a groggy Alix arrives in my room carrying her bodyguard, Archie, and they crawl into the warmth and security of my bed while I trudge onto the kitchen. No going back to sleep for me but Alix didn't have a problem drifting off nor did Archie once he got in his favorite spot under the covers!

I was ready for the long haul having my crank flashlight/siren/radio in hand and coffee brewing when as quickly as the storm arose, it subsided! excitement and I'm wide awake! Maybe it was God trying everything He could to awaken me to spend time with me and it took thunder, lightening, hail...and the train! He'll do anything to spend time with me :-)

I had some great moments alone with God this morning while I hung onto alertness with the warmth of the coffee mug in my hands. He really is an awesome God and continues to amaze me at how caring and faithful He is, even in the little things. Funny-He' probably always that way, it's just that I'm coming around to seeing that again. When I take the time to thank Him for the answers to my prayers and recognize the numerous blessings He bestows on me on a daily basis, I am truly stunned. How can I ever take that for granted, His love and care for me? And why do I think that I can trust Him for awhile and recognize His greatness only to drift away ever so slightly or to take it for granted? He's patient and He's jealous for me so He would rain down Heaven and set His alarm clocks of "thunder and lightening" to bring me out of slumber and into His presence just to tell me He loves me so =-) I'm grateful and in awe.

Staying close to my Father-


  1. What a great reading!! Is writing your next career? Thanks for such uplifting words and testimony.

