Monday, January 12, 2009

January 8, 2009

I'm still trying to get my whole "blog" thing set up so there aren't any pics in my album and I keep changing the colors, layout, etc.  So, it may change as much as my mind changes subjects on my husband (which can totally throw him off at times!)

I read the below in one of my devotional studies this morning and thought I'd share...I haven't done it yet.  I know I will but I need time and quiet, which you'd think I'd have plenty of being a stay-at-home mom.  Some days, yes, but most days "no".  today was a "no" day.  So here it is:

"Write down something you've been mentally beating yourself up over lately.  Find 3 verses that deal with this issue and commit to praying these scriptures into your situation.  Stand firm on God's solid truth that you are a godly woman/man who will face this circumstance in a godly way." (

There's a lot I beat myself up mentally for but I'm coming to realize (slowly) that I don't need to do that.  By holding on to whatever it is that I think is controlling me is in a way a form of pride.  Follow me for a second...if I truly want to get rid of it, I need to turn it completely over to God and let him take it for me.  I know this...I've grown up in church and youth group, but some things I continue to hang on to.  But by hanging on to it, it still has control of part of me because it's in my hand.  I don't want to let it go because then what will I have to push blame off on, or to hold over someones head?  When I choose to completely let go of it and truly commit it to God, I will then have both hands and arms free to raise in worship of the King of Kings who took away all beatings I could ever incur on myself.  

I'll let you know what I come up with (unless it's just a little too personal!).  I think that's part of letting it go.

1 comment:

  1. Very good thing to do (from your devotional). God has been moving on me to memorize scripture lately. I have to get in gear though! What I want to memorize I pray will help with the battle in my mind.
    Thanks for sharing,
