Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22, 2009

Those of you who know me know that I'm not a professional writer, blogger or knower of anything specific.  I blog for myself and to share me with you.  So many things cross my mind during the day that I decided to try to start writing it down somewhere-sharing what I'm learning in Christ and what I'm learning as a wife and mother.  Notice I said "learning" and not "have learned" (I don't use "air quotes" as poorly as Joey did on "Friends" do I?!)  

Just 3 weeks into 2009 the eyes and ears of my heart are being opened.  Opened to things that they should have been opened to long ago but for one reason or another I've chosen to keep them closed.  I sense that I'm learning to become more aware of God in my daily routine.  I'm really trying to be still and listen to that still small voice yet I hope I'm not using that as a reason to not get my regular things accomplished here at home :)  I want to be close to Him, to hear His voice, feel His heart beat.  My life is just a blip in time here on earth yet I feel that sometimes I live more for the here and now.  No, I won't neglect what He's given me here on earth, but what I say and do should take me closer to the throne and should be an encouragement for others around me to do the same.  There is such a peace that comes from closeness w/Christ.  

So with all of that in mind I have something that has been resonating in my head over the last week or so.  Last week was when the US Airways flight 1549 actually landed in the Hudson River in NYC...yes, landed in it and no one was killed...none of the 155 on board died.  Yes, it truly was a miracle.  But what is continuing to run through my brain are some words that I heard people say about the captain..Captain "Sulley".  His sister, as well as some life-long friends,  made comments that they were not surprised at all that Sulley was able to make that landing so perfectly.  He's trained for this all of his life so he was prepared to do it.  Those are the words I keep hearing.  None of those people doubted him at all, nor were they shocked at his abilities.  They knew that if anyone could attempt a feat like that and be successful it was "Sulley".  So that caused me to ponder this:  when I get to the end of my life and am ready to step into heaven, will people say the same about me? That I had "trained" for this all of my life and I was prepared to go?  I'm not trying to puff myself up by any means.  But I wonder if my daily walk in life w/God has shown others that I'm 'in training'? I haven't arrived at my final destination but when the time comes to finally put that training into action, no one will be shocked to find out I was a Christ-follower but that knew full well that I had done all that I could possibly do here on earth to be Christ-like.

This may not mean as much to you as it does to me but I wanted to share it anyway.  It gives you insight into my thoughts the past week and to the questions w/in my heart.  

I don't want my life to be a "crash landing" but a "life-in-training" ready to be made into an incredible miracle!

Living life as a training simulator-


  1. Great analogy Mis! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. That is deep. It is probably healthy to remember that everything we face on this earth, we should say to ourselves "this is a drill, it is only a drill". That way we won't become overwhelmed by our circumstances or the chance of failure.
