Sunday, June 29, 2008

June 29, 2008

Ok, so I've made my laundry soap and Mike is getting the cement poured for my clothesline as I write...I'm so proud of myself =-) The soap seems to be doing a good job, as far as I can tell! And I used the clothesline a few times last week but it started leaning more and more so it needed to be cemented into the ground. It's amazing the short amount of time it takes to dry the clothes on the line! Yes, they've been a little stiffer than I like, even w/softener in the wash load, but I just put them in the dryer for a "fluff-time" of about 10 minutes and it seems to help a lot! You can't be in a hurry, though, if you're line-drying the clothes and I've found I have to sort of plan my time according to daylight, weather, etc. I'll get it worked out and hopefully we'll see at least a little bit of it's usefulness in our energy bill =-)

Shelby got home and we still haven't seen much of her! She's leaving the nest a little bit at a time which is hard, but she's growing and maturing a lot and she had a great week at camp.

Alix is sewing, still, and also got some "fashion drawing" books from the library. She wants to design clothes...and move to NYC...and be famous...if anyone can do it, she can but I'm trying to stress more importantly is her walk w/Christ and how that will impact forever vs. all of our energy on things that will not last and are only beneficial in the short time we have here on earth...

ok, sermonette done!!

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