Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 4, 2008

Well, tomorrow is Shelby's 16th birthday! I have been reflecting on it all evening as I'm here by myself and writing out a birthday card for her. Where does the time go? I'm so excited for her and this new time in her life, yet scared to death of the big world that lays before her. I'm finding that trusting God is going to be the only way to get through these years and each time that she leaves the house. I choose not to live in fear and "what if's" when she drives but to place her securely in her Father's hands and know He will care for her. It's such a great time in a girls life-turning 16. It's such a huge milestone and turning point in life. I'm praying that she continues to enjoy her life and friends and youth group and that somewhere along the way (when she's much, much older =-) she will run into the man of God's dreams for her and she will continue to trust God to bring him to her.

Ok...I just heard the garage door open so I'd better close this! She'll want on the computer!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mis,
    Man, can't imagine having a child that drives out into the big wide world! Hannah cringes when you mention driving just because of how the driving is here. You also can't get your license until you are 18 here. I am sure your trust factor in God will go up! Praying with you for Shelby!
